
Here’s one of the single most effective things you can do for your longevity

I was at a BBQ yesterday and it got me thinking. I was having a conversation with someone about a health and wellness retreat in Mexico. She was telling me about the meals that they served. My questioning was geared towards where I would get my protein. The reason for this? My goal every day is to keep my energy high and even. In order to do this I need to focus on Read more

Here are 2 habits that will give you better sleep and more energy

Your body is always trying to keep things in balance. This is called homeostasis. When you let your body go too long without eating, your blood sugar dips too low and your liver compensates by dumping glycogen (2 sugar molecules bound together) into your bloodstream. This is like a fire hose... Read more

 How this unknown sensory organ can make your body feel years younger

If you were asked to make a prediction about the age of someone from behind or from the side, you’d likely be basing your guess on posture. How straight up or how hunched over they stood when they walked. Did they pick their feet up off the floor gingerly, or were they shuffling? Were they limping or walking with ease? If you were to watch my 74 year old yoga teacher walk from behind, you’d think he was in his thirties. Why? Because he is very limber. Besides being thin and having an obviously muscular frame, his posture is straight, he is light on his feet and has a quickness in his step that is clear he doesn’t have any pain. How is this man different from most? And how can you feel more like him? My new obsession is … Read more

The number one reason prevention is your best health insurance

One fact is true for all of us. We are all getting older every day. Because of our conditioning with conventional medicine, most of us wait until we have something go wrong to address our health. And for some people it’s already too late. I have recently noticed a trend with new patients. There is a great frustration with a medical system designed to put a bandaid on symptoms. And often there is no bandaid and the patient is just told they are getting older and they’ll have to learn to live with it. Not great for quality of life! The number one reason prevention is the best way to go. Read more

The most important thing you need to know about the number on the scale

I work with people who want to lose weight - a lot. I always stress that getting healthy is number one, and that the weight will follow. It’s difficult when you are losing weight not to obsess about the number you see on the scale. We can’t live and die by the scale - and here’s why. Read more

How to turn on your relaxation reflex and increase your energy

We’ve all heard that food is medicine. This is true and incredibly important. It can control our development or not of chronic disease. It can help us sleep well and have sustained energy or cause insomnia and fatigue. It can literally cause or eliminate almost any symptom. And we all need to consume it. So we might as well use it to our benefit. I’m pretty sure if you’re reading this, you already understand this on some level. Another thing that we do every day, in fact every second of every minute of our lives we do this - and we can do it in a way that pushes us towards vitality or makes us feel depleted. We can induce anxiety or calm. What is it? Read more

How to start losing weight by identifying these three amazingly simple things

If you’re like most people during the pandemic, it resulted in one common thing - weight gain. And why does it seem so hard to lose? Even impossible? It’s probably because most of the time people are trying to exercise it off, or just eat less. Sometimes even changing their diet but without much success. There are so many recommendations out there, it can be hard to know what to do. Read more

How to improve your lifespan with one simple move

If you’ve been reading my blogs lately, you’ll know that lifespan isn’t quite as important as healthspan. Healthspan, is the amount of our lives that we spend being healthy and fully functional. We want our healthspan to match our lifespan. So, what is this move we can do to improve our healthspan? Read more

How to be my healthiest has been top of mind as I have been contemplating the last year of my 40’s

Last week, I turned 49…from quite a few, I heard, “Oh, to be 49 again!” Not what I was thinking - I didn’t realize how much that number was getting to me until my actual birthday, when I realized I had been having all of these unhelpful thoughts. For the last few months I have been having some symptoms that just weren’t going away. I started believing what I hear people often tell me when I meet them for the first time. “Oh, it’s because I’m getting older.” I was almost resigned to never feeling better. My response is usually, “Nonsense! You’ve got inflammation and we just need to fix it.” - I was feeling in a place of, I must be wrong, this must be what it’s like to be getting older. Ug! Not fun..... Read more

How to hack impossible weight, energy and sleep with one tiny little device

For over a year now, I have been learning about this. You’ve probably seen them on people’s arms. They hardly weigh anything. They connect to your phone. Diabetics use them. And now you can too. Read more