
Could this tiny gland be the reason you feel so tired?

Reposted from February 2022 The average thyroid gland weighs about as much as a tablespoon of almond butter. But the thyroid gland, unlike almond butter, has an almost infinite impact on the way your body functions. Every single cell in your body has thyroid receptors. If you don’t have enough thyroid hormone, there are things in your body that just won’t work. Like an unplugged toaster, it’s not going to work no matter what you do. It will only work if you plug it in - just like your cells, they will only work if they’ve got some thyroid hormones plugged in. Read more

How this simple lab test can reveal the cause of your fatigue…and your weight gain.

(Reposted from April 2022) A friend of mine told me about this new book about a month ago. It was by a neurologist I have great respect for, David Perlmutter. I have heard him speak in person several times and basically trust anything he has to say. I nearly fell off my chair when I read some of the things he was saying. There was a new marker - using an old test - that could reveal information that could help me help my patients even more. I got so excited, I started testing all my current patients for it. All of these conditions have this marker in common: Read more

The top two things you need to remove from your body that cause fatigue

The number one thing people consume to boost their energy hands down - is coffee. But for optimal sustained energy - we really need to address these two things. Read more

How to start losing weight by identifying these three amazingly simple things

If you’re like most people during the pandemic, it resulted in one common thing - weight gain. And why does it seem so hard to lose? Even impossible? It’s probably because most of the time people are trying to exercise it off, or just eat less. Sometimes even changing their diet but without much success. There are so many recommendations out there, it can be hard to know what to do. Read more

The top two things you need to remove from your body that cause fatigue

The number one thing people consume to boost their energy hands down - is coffee. But for optimal sustained energy - we really need to address these two things. Read more

The best way to know if low energy is your body protecting itself

Symptoms that often go with low energy: difficult weight loss pain depression sleep disturbance foggy thinking cold hands and feet hormonal imbalance (The list could go on and on and on…) If you have any of these symptoms, you are probably suffering from Cellular inflammation. Read more

Use this quick hack to boost your energy all day!

It’s so simple, you probably won’t believe it. It doesn’t cost anything. You have to do it throughout the day anyway. 75% of the population is chronically low in this molecule. Read more

How this nearly invisible speck could be hijacking your energy

For me it started in middle school. It was awful. It could last for months on end. And I had no idea that I was just making it worse. It is so common that it is likely that either you or someone in your family has it. And there is such a simple solution, but almost no one knows about it. Read more

How to fix fatigue that history has failed to even recognize

In the last 2 weeks, I have had 6 people tell me that their symptoms have been recently dismissed by conventional medicine. I could write a book with the stories I have heard over the years. This is such a problem that many articles - and even a book that a patient sent me a link to this morning HAVE written on this topic. I can also remember learning that anatomy was based on a man's body - and to feminize the anatomy they would shift accordingly. Female anatomy, with respect to medicine was seen as an aberration. Read more